RT Tanner & Co Ltd



It is somewhat difficult to trace the genesis of the Trade Circular. Some so-called authorities affirm that it is of American extraction, whilst others hold that it is a natural evolution of the monthly price list. Be this as it may, we have come to the conclusion that it provides an excellent means of communication between buyer and seller, and must of necessity bring the one into closer relationship with the other. Our aim will be to keep our wide circle of customers, both at home and abroad, in close touch with our movements. With this end in view we shall bring the notice of our goods and special lines before them in portable doses, if we may so use the term, a system which, as competition increases, becomes a more and more important office. An endeavour will also be made to give in each issue a few practical notes; these articles will have a certain aim, and it is hoped will have a certain coherence which may make them acceptable to the class of readers for whom they are primarily intended.
February 1906 - first edition of Highlight

Below are links to all known copies surviving. These are available in .pdf format. To reduce file sizes it has unfortunately been necessary to sacrifice some definition although it is hoped the attached are satisfactory. If you do not have a copy of adobe reader you can obtain a free copy from Adobe

First Series
Second series

We make no apology for the revival of our trade circular. For many years prior to the war we made a monthly appeal to our readers and customers in all parts of the country through our trade journal, and it is gratifying to be able to report that our efforts were greatly appreciated by our many friends, both amongst printers and stationers. During the regreattable period of the war we were compelled to cease publication, for many reasons, not the least being that it was against the public interest to use paper for other than absolutely essential reasons. we feel, however, that the present time is an opportune moment to re-issue our publication. No trade was more seriously affected by the war than the wholesale stationer: prices fluctuated from day to day owing largely to the supplies being limited, and even now they are by no means stablised. At the same time , the conditions are sufficiently normal to warrant the reappearance of our trade circular, and as time goes on we hope to make it more and more interest to our readers by the addition of new features, and by endeavouring in every possible way to make it helpful to one and all.
January 1922 edition of Highlight, first of second series

Third series

After a lapse of a number of years we have decided to resuscutate the publication of our Trade Circular, and it is with great pleasure that we bring to you the first isue of our new series.
Unfortunately, practically all our records were destroyed by enemy action in 1941, so we cannot become too nostalgic in our reminiscences of bygone days. We have however in our possession copies of Tanners Trade Circular from 1906-1924, though we do not suppose that publication ceased entirely in the latter year. No doubt some of our old customers will correct us on this point, and we should be delighted to hear from any friends with long memories!
The steady growth of the Company has been accelerated over the last six years, and there is the ever present fear in our minds that we may lose, what in our opinion is our greatest asset, the personal touch. It is therefore our main object in publishing this circular to assist in maintaining personal contact with our customers both old and new.
In past years the Circular was published monthly, but it is now intended to issue this new series quarterly. We shall bring to you each quarter our personal news, advertisements of any particular lines we are in a posisition to offer, and trade items of topical interest to our customers. In these difficult days, we shall endeavour to give you a fair comment on the supply position as it appears to us.
We at Wheatsheaf works are not journalists by profession. We therefore apologise for not bringing to you any literary gem. It is our intention to edit and publish this series ourselves, and it will follow the line of the Paper Merchant talking to his Customers literally and metaphorically on Paper.
April 1952 edition of Highlight, first of third series

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