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RT Tanner & Co Ltd Board minutes for 1908 At the First meeting of Directors held at the Registered Office of the Company 16 Dorset Street, Salisbury Square E.C. on Friday the 17th day of January 1908 at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. Present: Mr W.A.Tanner Mr Frank Garrett Mr A Tanner Mr H.S.Pearsall Mr. A. Eames Mr T.P.Griffithes (of Messrs Chester Broome & Griffithes) and Mr L.V.Houseman (of Messrs Mareco & Co) also attended. Mr Griffithes stated that the Company was incorporated on the 15th inst. And that all necessary documents had been filed with the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and that the Office of the Company had also been registered as situated at 16 Dorset Street. Resolved that Mr W.A.Tanner be and is hereby elected Chairman of Directors. Mr W.A.Tanner then took the Chair.Resolved that the Mr G.J.Bird be and is hereby appointed Secretary pro’tem. for a period and at a salary to be fixed by the Directors. A design for the Common Seal of the Company an impression of which is affixed in the margin was approved. Resolved that the same be and is hereby adopted as the Common Seal of the Company and that one key of the box be kept by the Chairman and the other by the Secretary. Resolved that Messrs. Marreco & Co. Chartered Accountants of 1 Clements Inn London W.C. be and are hereby appointed Auditors of the Company until the First Annual Ordinary General Meeting of the Company at a fee to be fixed by the Directors. The consideration of the purchase by the company of the business of Messrs.R.T.Tanner & Co. was discussed and the terms of the purchase as set out in an Agreement submitted by Mr.Griffithes were approved. Resolved that the Company take an assignment from Messrs. R.T.Tanner & Co. of their Lease of 16 Dorset Street if the necessary licence can be obtained, and that the necessary Deed be prepared by Messrs Chester, Broome & Griffithes. Resolved that the Company take a sublease from Messrs R.T.Tanner & Co. of their premises at 39 & 40 Hutton Street for a term of 21 years determinable at the option of the company at the date of the expiration of the lease of 16 Dorset Street at a rental of £495 a year, such sublease to be prepared by Messrs. Newton, Lewin & Levett and to contain all proper and reasonable convenants having regard to the lease under which Messrs. R.T.Tanner & Co. hold the same and also an option on the part of the Company to purchase the lease at anytime during the continuance of the Lease at a sum, if exercised before the 31st March 1908 of £1800; if exercised after the 31st March 1908, but before 31st March 1909 of £1750 and so on, at a sum reduced by £50 for each year expired before the option should be exercised, but in any case subject to the existing mortgage for £4000 and interest thereon at the rate of 4½ per cent per annum. Resolved that the Bankers of the Company be the Union of London ‘Smith’s Bank Ltd. Chancery Lane Branch, and that all cheques, bills of exchange and promissory notes be signed drawn and accepted in the name of the Company by any two of the five Directors all of whose signatures should be given to the Bank, and that all cheques bills of exchange and promissory notes be endorsed in the name of the Company by any one of the five Directors or the Secretary A East F Garrett A Tanner Chairman At a meeting of Directors held at the British Vice Consulate, Boulogne sur Mere in the Republic of France on Saturday the 18th day of January 1908 at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Present: Mr W A Tanner (in the Chair)Mr Frank Garrett Mr A Tanner Mr A Eames Mr H S Pearsall Mr W.A.Tanner submitted an agreement between Messrs W.A.Tanner, F. Garrett and A. Tanner of the one part and R. T. Tanner & Co. Ltd of the other
part being an agreement for the sale of the business of Messrs R.T.Tanner & Co. to R.T.Tanner & Co. Ltd.
A Eames W.A.Tanner Chairman F.Garrett At a meeting of Directors held at 16 Dorset Street on Friday the 7th day of February 1908. Present: Mr W.A.Tanner (in the Chair) Mr Frank Garrett Mr A Tanner Mr A Eames The minutes of the Directors meetings of the 17th January and 18th January were read and confirmed. Resolved that the Ordinary Shares numbered 55001 to 55007 be and are hereby allotted to the seven signatories to the Memorandum of Association as follows:
Resolved that in pursuance of the agreement of the 18th Janaury 1908 made between Messrs W.A.Tanner, F. Garrett and A. Tanner of the one part and R.T.Tanner & Co.Ltd
of the other part, the following shares be and are hereby allocated to the Vendors under such agreement and their nominees as follows and that the Allottees be entered
in the Register of Members as the holders of such Shares respectively
Resolved that the Seal of the company be affixed to an application for a Patent for an apparatus for manufacturing newspaper wrappers and that Messrs Boult, Wade & Tennant be appointed the Company’s agents to make application for such Patent.
The Seal of the Company was accordingly affixed in the presence of Mr A Tanner and Mr A Eames A Eames F Garrett Minutes of the Statutory General Meeting held at 16 Dorset Street, London E.C. on the 9th day of March 1908 Present: Mr W.A.Tanner (in the Chair)Mr Frank Garrett Mr A Tanner Mr A Eames Mr H S Pearsall The Secretary read the Notices convening the meeting. At a meeting held at 16 Dorset Street London E.C. on the 24th day of March 1908 Present: Mr W.A.Tanner (in the Chair)Mr Frank Garrett Mr A Tanner Mr A Eames Mr H S Pearsall Mr Helling sent in a transfer of his shares and share No 55001 was transferred from Mr E A Helling to Mr H S Pearsall, accepted by the Company, and duly registered in the books of the Company. The following accounts were discussed with a view to insurance viz: It was proposed that Mr Manistre should go to Paris at Mr Hewetts request in about two or three weeks time. Chairman May 6 1908 H S Pearsall A Eames F Garrett At a Meeting held at 16 Dorset Street London E.C. on May 6 1908. Mr W A Tanner in the Chair Mr Frank Garrett Mr A Tanner Mr A Eames Mr H S Pearsall A vote of thanks was proposed to Mr W A Tanner by Mr F Garrett and seconded by Mr H S Pearsall W A Tanner Chairman May 29th 1908 H S Pearsall A Eames F Garrett At a Meeting held at 16 Dorset Street E.C. on May 29th 1908 Present: Mr W.A.Tanner (in the Chair)Mr Frank Garrett Mr A Tanner Mr A Eames Mr H S Pearsall Proposed that we write to several Mills asking if they have any new Papers of which we could make a speciality or leading line. H S Pearsall A Eames At a Meeting held at 16 Dorset Street E.C. on June 19th 1908 Present: Mr Frank Garrett (in the Chair)Mr A Tanner Mr A Eames Mr H S Pearsall Sympathetic reference was made to the late Mr W A Tanner who died on Sunday June 14th 1908. Mr Garrett took the Chair and the minutes of the previous meeting were read, and confirmed. Mr Garrett stated that he had written to the Union Bank and acquainted them that the remaining Directors would now sign all documents in connection with the business of the firm, and that we had a letter acknowledging receipt of same. Re Debenture of £1000 held by the Capital & Counties Bank, for money lent to the Adhesive Dry Mounting Co. Ltd for which R T Tanner & Co Ltd are responsible and which the Capital & Counties Bank requested should be taken up on the 4th July. Mr Garrett was asked to see the Manager of the Bank with a cheque for £500 to take up half the said debenture, and to ask the Manager to allow the balance to stand over for a further year. Proposed by Mr Garrett and seconded by Mr Tanner, and carried unanimously that Mr Garrett be requested to arrange with Mr Statham a scheme for settling with Kodak the matter of the Adhesive Dry Mounting Co. Ltd on the times that arrangements should be made if possible with Lecrepeas Freres and Charles Cormeau the other principal shareholders in the A D M Co to acquire their holding of shares for a sum not to exceed £1000. If this can be carried out Mr Statham to be asked to endeavour to arrange with Kodak for them to acquire 5990 shares in the A D M Co for as large a sum as can be got, such sum not to be less that £1500. Proposed by Mr Eames and seconded by Mr Pearsall that Mr Garrett see the Manager of the Union Bank and explain to them how by Mr Tanner’s Will the Capital is allowed to remain in the business, but it would be a convenience to the Company for the present if the Manager will consent to allow the balance of the loan now standing to remain without further deduction. Resolved that Mr Eames be entrusted with the charge of the Buying Department. A Eames H S Pearsall At a meeting held at 16 Dorset Street E.C. on October 7th 1908 Present: Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)Mr A Tanner Mr A Eames Mr H S Pearsall It was resolved that the Common Seal of the Company be affixed to an agreement between Mr H J Osborne and R.T.Tanner & Co.Ltd
which was accordingly done. At a special Directors Meeting held at 16 Dorset Street E.C. on Nov 5th 1908 Present: Mr W.A.Tanner (in the Chair)Mr Frank Garrett Mr A Tanner Mr A Eames Mr H S Pearsall A proposal was received from Mr Osborne to purchase the Preference and Ordinary Shares held by R T Tanner & Co Ltd in H J Osborne & Co Ltd for the sum of £3,500 and an agreement to this effect was submitted to the Directors as under. Mr Osborne proposal was that he should carry on the business in as economical a method as possible, not drawing the sums he was entitled to in the way of salary and commission but only such sums as may be absolutely necessary for his expenses in order to enable him to pay the amount agreed upon to R T Tanner & Co Ltd. His plan as set out seemed the best method of working the business for all concerned, and the Directors agreed to the proposal, instructing Mr Bird to write a letter to Mr Osborne stating that in view of the note in the agreement that at the end of December 1909 if the £500 is not paid on account of the Purchase Price that R T Tanner & Co. Ltd must give three months notice to terminate the business. That it is understood that such notice be deemed to have been given, and that it shall be terminated as on the 31st Dec 1909. The following is a copy of the Agreement herein referred to:H J Osborne & Company Limited It is hereby mutually agreed between us that the shares in the above Company held by or belonging to R T Tanner & Co Ltd being Five thousand Preference
and Seven hundred and three Ordinary Shares all of one pound each (fully paid) shall be acquired by Mr Osborne for three thousand five hundred pounds subject
to the following conditions:
This arrangement to be subject to cancellation in case default shall be made in payment of any instalment of purchase price on expiration of three months notice from Messrs R T Tanner & Co Ltd of their desire to cancel failing payment of amount in arrear prior to expiration of such notice. In case this agreement shall be cancelled Mr Osborne undertakes to assist in realising the assets of the company.Dated this 6th day of November 1908 This proposal was submitted to the Directors & agreed to unanimously. 6th November 1908 At a meeting of Directors held at 16 Dorset Street C.C. on November 6th 1908 Present: Mr W.A.Tanner (in the Chair)Mr Frank Garrett Mr A Tanner Mr A Eames Mr H S Pearsall The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed and the Seal of the Company was affixed to the agreement made between
Mr H J Osborne and R T Tanner & Co Ltd and the signatures of the four Directors appended thereto. At a meeting of Directors held at 16 Dorset Street E C on the 24 December 1908 Present: Mr Frank Garrett (in the Chair)Mr A Tanner Mr A Eames Mr H S Pearsall Mr Garrett proposed that Mr A Tanner’s remuneration as Director be increased to £600 per annum this was seconded by Mr Eames & carried. |