
1908, 1909, 1911, 1912,

1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917

RT Tanner & Co Ltd

Board minutes of 1910

At a Meeting of Directors held at 16 Dorset Street E.C. January 17th 1910

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr A Eames
                  Mr G J Bird (Secretary)

The transfer of 257 Ordinary £1 shares Nos 12003 to 12259 and 2143 Preference £1 shares Nos 1 to 2143 in H J Osborne & Co Ltd inclusive which were originally held in the name of W A Tanner were transferred from the executors of Mr W A Tanner to R T Tanner & Co.Ltd. The seal of the Company was affixed and the transfers signed by the Directors and Secretary.

F Garrett 31 January 1910

At a Meeting of Directors held at 16 Dorset Street E.C. January 31st 1910

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr A Tanner
                  Mr A Eames
                  Mr G J Bird (Secretary)

The agreement with Mr Osborne was discussed and it was arranged that Mr Garrett should see Mr Osborne and fix up the terms of the agreement with him.

F Garrett
At a Meeting of Directors held at 16 Dorset Street E.C. January 31st 1910

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr A Tanner
                  Mr A Eames
                  Mr G J Bird (Secretary)

The following letter which was discussed and agreed upon by Mr Osborne & Directors on the 28th January was [….]at the Board Meeting and a copy of the letter dated 2nd Feby being the official copy asked for by Mr Osborne in his letter of the 29th January.

Messrs H. J. Osborn & Co.Ltd.
2 Tudor Street E.C.
Feby 2nd 1910

Dear Mr Osborne,

We are just writing this letter to tell you that we have considered the matter of the Agreement which was made between you and us on the 6th November 1908 in regard to the fact that the time for carrying out he first portion of the said Agreement is expired, and therefore the whole is liable to be cancelled, but in view of the circumstances which have contributed, we think, to some extent to your non-fulfilment of the payment part of the agreement, which was due on the 31st of December last, we have decide to extend the time of payments as follows:
                  £500 to be paid 30 June 1910
                  £800 to be paid 30 June 1911
                  £1000 to be paid 30 June 1912
                  £1200 to be paid 30 June 1913

The other clauses of the agreement will of course stand as they are and the cancelling clause will also be operative in case the foregoing new arrangement is not carried out. We must ask you on your part to write us a letter which will virtually cancel the agreement which was made some time ago in regard to the amount which you are to take as salary, and expenses because at the present moment that stands, and although it always figures in the books on the terms of the Agreement in such amounts as agreed upon, and are put to your credit, it is understood between us that in return for our agreement with you for the purchase of the business, until such purchase is completed, you will only draw such sums for your own personal expenses and salary as are absolutely necessary, that in no year are your drawings to exceed £900 per annum, and that should this Agreement from any cause whatever fall through, only such amounts as you have drawn are to be placed to the credit of your account, and to the debit of the expenses of the business.

We think this sets out the terms entirely and what we discussed verbally and we might as well get it all put in order.

If you will write us your letter we will have a Minute made in our Minute Book (R T Tanner & Co. Ltd) setting out the details.

Yours very truly

F Garrett

At a Meeting of Directors held at 16 Dorset Street E.C. March 29th 1910

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr A Tanner
                  Mr A Eames
                  Mr G J Bird (Secretary)

Transfers of the following Ordinary Shares were presented from the Executors of Mr W A Tanner 2400 #55007 to 57406 to F Garrett. 400 # 55507 to 55906 to Mr A Eames. 500 # 55007 to 55506 to Mr A Tanner 400 # 55907 to 56306 to Mr F A Garrett. These were accepted and passed by the Directors and the new share certificates were made out in the above names to which the seal of the Company was attached and they were signed by two Directors and the Secretary.

F Garrett

At a Meeting of Directors held at 16 Dorset Street E.C. April 18th 1910

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr A Tanner
                  Mr H S Pearsall
                  Mr A Eames

The final figures of the stocktaking accounts were settled and the total value of the stock passed at £15897.10.5 after making all allowances and depreciations.

F Garrett

At a Meeting of Directors held at 16 Dorset Street E.C. May 30th 1910

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr A Tanner
                  Mr H S Pearsall
                  Mr A Eames
                  Mr G J Bird (Secretary)

The question of increases in salaries was gone into and various alterations made in same as per salaries list.

Resolved to hold a Directors Meeting in future every Monday at 4 o’clock to discuss the position of any overdue accounts, etc. and decide as to best course to pursue with regard to same.

F Garrett

At a Meeting of Directors held at 16 Dorset Street E.C. June 7th 1910

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr A Tanner
                  Mr A Eames
                  Mr G J Bird (Secretary)

The question of taking the Basement in the next door premises belonging to Ward Lock & Co. was discussed.

Their offer was that they would let us have the basement exclusive of the part which was under the court and the other houses adjoining the court at £175 per annum inclusive of Rates & Taxes. It was decided to see Ward Lock & Co again and to offer to take the Basement at £175 per annum provided they would allow us to use the whole of the Basement, but that we would consent to give up the part under the Court should they request us to do so. They are to make three windows in the side wall adjoining the Burial Ground, to fill in and make even the floor, and make it strong enough to carry the stacks of Paper, and to make a doorway for the entry and delivery of goods. Also that they give us a lease to run concurrently with the lease of 16 Dorset St. We are not to be responsible for the insurance of the building and to have a repairing lease.

Carrongrove Contract for Invitation Art was discussed, and it having come to our knowledge that they were selling at a price which was 5% cheaper than our contract it was decided to writ to them about it.

Francis Griffiths The proposed loan of £250 was discussed and it was decided to lend him the amount.

Accounts Various accounts were gone into and decision as to their treatment made.

F Garrett

[In red in margin] Arranged subsequently with Ward Lock & Co to take the Basement at £150 a year from 29 Sep 1910 inclusive of rates & taxes for three years after that rent to be increased £5 a year until it reaches £175.

At a Meeting of Directors held at 16 Dorset Street E.C. June 13th 1910

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr A Tanner
                  Mr A Eames
                  Mr H S Pearsall
                  Mr G J Bird (Secretary)

The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.

Carrongrove Contract. Mr Eames reported that Carrongrove were willing to cancel the balance of the contract for Invitation Art, about 40 tons, and to make a new contract for 50 tons at 2d 7½%. This was agreed to.

Overdraft at Bank. This having been arranged and lent by the Bank to R T Tanner & Co and the liability having been taken over by R T Tanner & Co Ltd. It was decided to request the Union of London & Smiths Bank to transfer it to the name of R T Tanner & Co. Ltd.

Various accounts were gone into and the position and amount of same discussed.

F Garrett

At a Meeting of Directors held at 16 Dorset Street E.C. June 20th 1910

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr A Tanner
                  Mr A Eames
                  Mr H S Pearsall
                  Mr G J Bird (Secretary)

New Premises were discussed and it was stated some difficulty had arisen with the Authorities over making a new entrance.

Carpenter. The question of keeping on our Carpenter was gone into but on its being shown that the work he had done was considerable it was decided to retain him.

Samples. A new range of samples of ‘Canvas’ Papers was submitted and as a new department would have to be established to deal with these it was decided that Fox should have charge of this.

F Garrett

At the Meeting of Directors held at 16 Dorset Street E.C. July 11th 1910

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr A Tanner
                  Mr A Eames
                  Mr H S Pearsall
                  Mr G J Bird (Secretary)

A Statement of Accounts as prepared by Messrs Marecco was presented to the Directors and approved by them.

The suggestion to declare a dividend of 2/- per share was made by Mr Garrett and submitted to the Meeting, and approved unanimously.

It was decided to call the General Meeting of the Company on the 19th July at 3 p.m. and the Secretary was instructed to send out notices to the shareholders.

The accounts as prepared by Messrs Marecco were signed by the Directors.

F Garrett

At the fourth Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders at 16 Dorset Street E.C. July 19th 1910

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr A Tanner
                  Mr A Eames
                  Mr H S Pearsall
                  Mr G J Bird (Secretary)
                  Mr Houseman (Auditor)

The Secretary read the Notice concerning the Meeting.

The Balance Sheet for the year ending 31 March 1910 was read over and it was proposed that a Dividend of 2/- per share on the ordinary Shares be paid, which was agreed to and the Balance Sheet unanimously adopted. This was proposed by Mr Eames and seconded by Mr Pearsall.

Proposed by Mr Garrett that Messrs Marecco be appointed for the ensuing year as auditors. This was seconded by Mr Pearsall.

F Garrett

At the Meeting of Directors at 16 Dorset Street E.C. July 26th 1910

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr A Tanner
                  Mr A Eames
                  Mr H S Pearsall
                  Mr G J Bird (Secretary)

The Minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.

The premises next door were discussed.

The proposed taking over of Marlborough Gould’s business ws gone into, and it was left with Messrs Garrett & Eames to settle the terms on July 27th with M G & Co

F Garrett

At the Meeting of Directors at 16 Dorset Street E.C. August 10th 1910

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr A Tanner
                  Mr A Eames
                  Mr H S Pearsall
                  Mr G J Bird (Secretary)

The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.

Mr Garrett reported that he and Mr Eames met the Directors of Marlborough Gould & Co when a statement of Affairs and a Balance Sheet of the Company were placed before them. The figures showed that the total amount of Shares in Marlborough Gould & Co were 1650 but upon examining the Assets of the Company it was seen that there was not sufficient surplus of assets over liabilities to make these shares worth 20/= each. The Balance Sheet and the Stock Sheets and list of Debtors were handed to Mr Garrett to take away and examine and then report upon them. These were gone carefully into, and subsequently Mr Eames and Mr Garrett went through the Stock with Mr Strudwick with the result that they considered it advisable to depreciate the value of the stock by £116.5.6 and the book debts by £105.3.0 This reduced the value of the Shares by £250 and it was decided to offer 16/= in the £ for 1500 Ordinary Shares in Marlborough Gould & Co leaving the 150 shares which are held by Mr Strudwick & Mr Evershed respectively working Director & Secretary in the Company to be retained by them. This offer was made to Mr Vallantyne the Solicitor representing Marlborough Gould & Co. viz: Payment to be made by an exchange for the 1500 shares in Marlborough Gould & Co of 1200 First Preference Shares in R T Tanner & Co. Ltd.

Mr Vallantye sent down a draft Agreement for the exchange of Shares and a Deed of Covenant for the purchase back of the Preference Shares of R T Tanner & Co Ltd by the Directors of R T Tanner & Co Ltd.

The two agreements were read and considered and approved.

Mr Garrett reported that he had seen Ward Lock & Co and that they had offered to let us have the basement and ground floor next door for the inclusive rent of £300 per annum this sum to be inclusive of Rates & Taxes for three years at this rent, then to increase at the rate of £5 per annum until it reaches the sum of £400 per annum. It was agreed to accept this subject to War Lock & Co making the necessary alterations and repairs.

F Garrett 16th Aug 1910

At the Meeting of Directors at 16 Dorset Street E.C. August 16th 1910

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr A Tanner
                  Mr A Eames
                  Mr H S Pearsall

The Directors having been in negotiation with certain of the Shareholders of Marlborough Gould & Co. Ltd with a view to a purchase of their respective holdings on behalf of the Company & the Marlborough Gould shareholders in question having severally agreed to sell to the Company then holdings of ordinary shares in Marlborough Gould & Co. Ltd to the nominal value of £1500 & to accept in payment 1200 Cumulative First Preference Shares of £1 each in the Company which agreement has been reduced to writing.

It is resolved that the Common Seal of the Company be affixed to the agreement aforesaid to & that 1200 Cumulative First Preference Shares of £1 each be issued to the Shareholders in Marlborough Gould & Co. Ltd to be allotted amongst them in the respective amounts to provide for under the Agreement.

George William Gould560 Shares
Henry William Lewes20 shares
Isabella Lucy Gould190 shares
Beatrice Mary Gould190 shares
Algernon Lancelot William Valentine160 shares
William Clifford Savill Gould80 shares

F Garrett 22 Aug 1910

At the Meeting of Directors at 16 Dorset Street E.C. August 22nd 1910

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr A Eames
                  Mr H S Pearsall

The Seal of the Company was affixed to the shares as enumerated on page 43 & handed to Mr Valentine. The Signature of the Directors was put to the agreement between Marlboro Gould & Co Ltd and the Directors of R T Tanner & Co Ltd for the repurchase of the First preference Shares by 30 April 1916 (at part value for cash).

[this in margin] first int to be paid 30 Sep 1910 for five months interest to be paid subsequently half yearly on the 30 September and 31st March.

F Garrett

At the Meeting of Directors at 16 Dorset Street E.C. October 24th 1910

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr A Eames
                  Mr H S Pearsall
                  Mr A Tanner
                  Mr G J Bird (secretary)

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.

Messrs Ward Lock & Co having made a fresh proposition with regard to the next door premises the matter was fully discussed and eventually Mr Eames proposed that we rent the whole of the building at £500 per annum plus rates & taxes. This was seconded by Mr A Tanner and carried unanimously.

F Garrett

At the Meeting of Directors at 16 Dorset Street E.C. October 31st 1910

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr A Eames
                  Mr H S Pearsall
                  Mr A Tanner
                  Mr G J Bird (secretary)

An agreement for the renting of basement and ground floor at 15 Dorset Street E.C. for a term of three or five years was submitted and approved. The signatures of the four Directors and Secretary, and the Seal of the Company were affixed.

Various matters in connection with the above named premises were discussed.

Kidd & Dawson, Resolved to insist upon 15/- in the £ being paid to us or failing this it was decided to make them Bankrupt.

F Garrett

At the Meeting of Directors at 16 Dorset Street E.C. November 11th 1910

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr A Eames
                  Mr H S Pearsall
                  Mr A Tanner
                  Mr G J Bird (secretary)

Resolved to transfer shares in Marlborough Gould & Co. Ltd to individual Directors.

The premises at 15 Dorset Street and business generally were discussed.

F Garrett

At the Meeting of Directors at 16 Dorset Street E.C. November 15th 1910

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr A Eames
                  Mr H S Pearsall
                  Mr A Tanner
                  Mr G J Bird (secretary)

The question of having a resident representative in Birmingham was gone into, and the matter was left in abeyance pending the result of enquiries to be made respecting a suitable man for the work.

F Garrett

At the Meeting of Directors at 16 Dorset Street E.C. December 22nd 1910

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr A Eames
                  Mr H S Pearsall
                  Mr A Tanner
                  Mr G J Bird (secretary)

Resolved to transfer to Mr F Garrett, Mr A Eames, and Mr F A Garrett one hundred shares each in Marlborough Gould & Co. Ltd to qualify them as Directors in that Company the said shares to be purchased by each of the above named for a nominal consideration.

F Garrett

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