
1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912,

1913, 1914, 1916, 1917

RT Tanner & Co Ltd

Board minutes of 1915

A Meeting of Directors held on the 22 June 1915

It was proposed & carried as under R T Tanner & Co Ltd whose registered offices are 15 Dorset Street Fleet Street in the City of London hereby nominate & appoint George James Bird the Secretary of the said Company as its officer to present Petitions in Bankruptcy & to do all such Acts as may be necessary on its behalf under the Bankruptcy Act 1914.

At a Meeting of Directors held at the offices of the Company on the 23rd June 1915

The following resolution was proposed and carried and the Seal of the Company was affixed to an order handed to the Solicitor of the Company Mr J B Smith in order to enable him to file the Bankruptcy petition.

R T Tanner & Co. Ltd whose registered offices are 15 Dorset St in the City of London hereby nominate & appoint George James Bird the Secretary of the Company to present a petition in Bankruptcy against Sargeant Soulsby & Co of 23 Old Bailey in the City of London to do all such acts as may be necessary on its behalf in relation to such petition.

In the present (sic) of F Garrett and A Eames.

At a meeting of Directors held at the offices of the Company on the 25 June 1915.

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr A Eames

The Seal of the company was affixed to a receipt from the Sun Insurance Company for £100 on the life of J S Levey deceased Policy No 153267.

F Garrett
A Eames 25 June 1915

At a Meeting of Directors held at the offices of the Company on the 9th August 1915

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr A Tanner

The seal of the company was affixed to a proxy to G J Bird in the matter of the Bankruptcy proceedings Allman & Son.

F Garrett 9 Aug ‘15

At the ninth Ordinary General Meeting held at 15 Dorset Street E C on Friday September 24 1915 at 2. 30 pm

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr A Tanner
                  Mr H S Pearsall
                  Mr A Eames
                  Mr F A Garrett (shareholder)
                  Mr G J Bird(secretary)
                  Mr L V Houseman(auditor)

The Secretary read the notice convening the meeting.

The Report on the accounts was read by the auditor.

Mr F Garrett proposed and Mr A Eames seconded that the report and accounts be adopted and this was carried.

Resolved to pay a dividend of 5% (five per cent) out of the profits of the Company on the First Preference Shares.

Proposed by Mr F Garrett and seconded by Mr A Tanner that the Directors fees for the ensuring year be reduced by 25% (twenty five per cent). This was carried unanimously.

Proposed by Mr F Garrett and seconded by Mr Arthur Tanner that Messrs Marreco Houseman & Rixon be appointed auditors for the ensuring year. Carried

The Second preference Shareholders agreed to accept a reduced dividend of 3% on these shares for the year ending March 31st 1916.

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