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RT Tanner & Co Ltd Board minutes of 1918 At a Meeting of Directors held at 15 Dorset Street on 11 January 1918 Present: Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)Mr A Tanner Mr H S Pearsall Mr A Eames The question of remuneration for the Extra Work of the Directors was discussed in consequence of losing so many of the assistants: 3 from Mr Eames department (F A Garret, Cuthbert and Booth) only replaced by one girl; and the loss of three (Surgison, Smith and H Pearsall) and others from the selling department; and the greatly increased work of the Leather business, the work and worry of the Directors had been enormously added to since 1914 necessitating working much longer hours. It was resolved and passed unanimously that Mr Garret should be paid £300 extra for 1917/18, Mr Eames £150, Mr A Tanner £150 and M H S Pearsall £75 to be proposed at the Annual General Meeting F GarrettAt a meeting of Directors held at 15 Dorset St E C on the 28th March 1918 It was resolved that in consequence of the amalgamation of the Union of London & Smiths Bank, the Company’s present Bankers with the Nat. Prov & Union Bank of England Ltd the Company’s banking operations & securities be transferred to the latter, & that the arrangements stated on the Banks circular letter be confirmed & that Messrs and two of the Directors be & are hereby authorised to execute any documents the Bank may require to effect such transfers & confirmation of arrangements.F Garrett A Eames 28 March 1918 At a Meeting of Directors held on Friday May 3rd 1918 at 2.30 p.m. at 15 Dorset St E.C. Present: Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)Mr A Eames It was agreed to sell the 1450 shares which we hold in Marlborough Gould & Co. Ltd to Mr A Evershed or his nominees for the sum of £870 (Eight hundred & seventy pounds). F GarrettAt a Meeting of Directors held on Friday May 7th 1918 at 2.30 p.m. at 15 Dorset St E.C. Present: Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)Mr A Eames Mr G J Bird (Secretary) When Transfers for 1450 shares in Marlborough Gould & Co. Ltd held by R T Tanner & Co Ltd were made our sealed and signed by the Directors to Mr A Evershed in consideration of the sum of £870 of which £500 were paid on account, the balance to be paid within a month from the date of transfer as per Mr A Evershed’s letter of 1st May 1918. F GarrettAt a Meeting of Directors held at 15 Dorset St E.C. on October 28th 1918 Present: Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)Mr A Tanner Mr H S Pearsall Mr A Eames The accounts as prepared by Messrs Marreco & Co were considered; all the items were gone into, and they were found to be quite in order. It was agreed by the Directors that they would propose at the General Meeting that a Dividend of 4/- per share should be paid to the Ordinary Shareholders; and the accounts as prepared by the Auditors were signed by the Directors. F Garrett7 Nov 1918. At the twelve Ordinary General Meeting held at 15/16 Dorset Street E.C. on Friday Nov 8th 1918 at 2.30 p.m. Present: Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)Mr A Tanner Mr H S Pearsall Mr A Eames Mr G J Bird (secretary) Mr Houseman (auditor) The Secretary read the notice convening the meeting. The minutes of the previous Ordinary General Meeting were read, confirmed and signed. The Auditors Report having been previously gone through by the Directors was taken as read, and it was proposed by Mr A Tanner, and seconded by Mr A Eames that the same be adopted. This was carried unanimously. Mr Houseman proposed, and A Tanner seconded that the sum of £675 be paid to the Directors for the year 1918 in consideration of the extra work done by the Directors owing to the shortage of staff. Mr Garrett proposed that the payment of Dividends of 5% on the First Preference Shares and 4% on the Second Pref. Shares (which had already been paid) be confirmed and that a dividend of 4/- (four shillings) per share free of Income Tax be paid on the 6402 Ordinary Shares. This was seconded by Mr A Tanner and agreed to unanimously. Proposed by Mr F Garrett and seconded by Mr A Tanner that Mr Houseman be appointed Auditor for the ensuing year. Mr Houseman thanked the Directors proposed a vote of thanks to Mr Garrett as Chairman, and congratulated the Directors on the success attained in the last financial year. Proposed by Mr Garrett that we make up arrears of Dividends to Mrs M Tanner in the sum of £213.10.5. This was seconded by Mr Eames and carried. F Garrett18 July 1919. |