
1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912,

1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917,

1918, 1920, 1921, 1922,

RT Tanner & Co Ltd

Board minutes of 1919

At a Meeting of Directors held at 15 Dorset Street on 10 January 1919

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr A Tanner
                  Mr H S Pearsall
                  Mr A Eames
                  Mr G J Bird (secretary)

It was resolved that the National Provincial and Union Bank of England Ltd (hereinafter called the Bank) be and they are hereby requested and authorised to advance the Company the sum of Eight thousand pounds on loan account, and that the said sum shall be placed to the Company’s current account as may be requested by the Managing Director Mr Frank Garrett and that the said Mr Frank Garrett be and is hereby authorised to execute on the Company’s behalf any document required by the Bank on connection with the said advance.

F Garrett

At a Meeting of Directors held at 15 Dorset St on May 27th 1919

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr A Tanner
                  Mr A Eames
                  Mr G J Bird (secretary)

The following minutes was passed, a copy made and handed to Mr Thomas Copp, and the seal of the Company affixed thereto:-
Mr Frank Garrett and Arthur Tanner two of the Directors of R T Tanner & Co Ltd
16 Dorset Street, London E C
hereby authorise and direct Thomas Copp our Clerk to make Proofs of Debts on behalf of the said Company
F Garrett
A Tanner
G J Bird Secretary

At a Meeting of Directors held at 16 Dorset St on Wednesday July 9th 1919 at 3 pm

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr A Tanner
                  Mr H S Pearsall
                  Mr A Eames
                  Mr G J Bird (secretary)

The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed and signed.

The Directors’ report was read and the accounts as prepared by Messrs Marreco & Co adopted and signed by the Directors.

It was decided to hold the Annual Ordinary General Meeting on July 18th 1919 at 2.30 pm and the Secretary was instructed to call same accordingly.

At the Thirteenth Ordinary General Meeting held at 15 Dorset Street E C on Friday July 18th 1919 at 2.30 pm

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr A Tanner
                  Mr H S Pearsall
                  Mr A Eames
                  Mr G J Bird (secretary)
                  Mr F A Garrett (shareholder)
                  Mr L V Houseman (auditor)

The Secretary read the Notice convening the meeting.

The Minutes of the twelfth Ordinary General Meeting were read, confirmed and signed. The Directors Report was read, and adopted. The accounts were taken as read having previously been gone through.

Proposed by Mr F Garrett, and seconded by Mr Eames that a dividend of 10% (ten per cent) free of Income Tax be paid on the Ordinary Shares which was agreed to unanimously.

Proposed by Mr F Garrett, and seconded by Mr F A Garrett that Messrs Marreco & Co be reappointed Auditors for the ensuing year.

At a Meeting of Directors held at 15 Dorset St E.C on Monday October 13th 1919

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr H S Pearsall
                  Mr A Tanner
                  Mr A Eames
                  Mr G J Bird (secretary)

The question of the Lease of the 16 Dorset Street was considered. The Lease expired on the 29th September 1919 and Mr Garrett reported that he had seen Mr Leslie Lock respecting the renewal. Mr Lock proposed that it should be renewed for seven years at an increased rental of One hundred pounds making the total rent £750 per annum. As there was no alternative it was decided to accept the increased rental, but to ask Messrs Ward Lock & Co to make the term seven years with the option of a further seven years.

Under clause 80 of the Articles of Association the Directors have power to appoint an additional Director for the current year. Mr Eames therefore proposed that Captain Frank Anthony Garrett be made a Director, and this was seconded by Mr Arthur Tanner, and carried unanimously, and that his signature be registered at the Bank for signing cheques.

F Garrett
29th Oct 1919

At a Meeting of Directors held at 15 Dorset St on Monday October 27th 1919

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr F A Garrett
                  Mr H S Pearsall
                  Mr A Eames
                  Mr G J Bird (secretary)

A letter from Messrs Weir & Roberts was read in connection with the loan of £1000 from Miss R R Weir. It informed us that Miss R R Weir had died and that in consequence of the bulk of the deceased’s Estate having been left in legacies which were due for early payment, and the heavy estate duties it was imperative to realize her estate and asking us whether we wished to pay off the £1000 at once or as an alternative Mr W F Weir (deceased’s brother) intimated his willingness to take over the Bill as from the 1st October.

It was decided to accept this kind offer and a Promissory Note for £1000 at twelve months date from 1st October 1919 was made out and signed to the order of Mr William Fyfe Weir which was signed by Mr Garrett, Mr Eames and the Secretary and posted to Messrs Weir & Roberts

F Garrett
11 May 1920

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