
1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912,

1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917,

1918, 1919, 1921, 1922,

RT Tanner & Co Ltd

Board minutes of 1920

At a Meeting of Directors held at 15 Dorset St on 11th Day of May 1920

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr H S Pearsall
                  Mr F A Garrett
                  Mr A Eames
                  Mr G J Bird (secretary)

It was resolved that the National Provincial and Union Bank of England Ltd be and hereby are authorised to advance to the Company sums from time to time by way of Loan provided the total sum owing (deducting any sums repaid by the Company) does not exceed at any time seven thousand pounds. And that such sums may be placed to the credit of the Company’s account by the Bank on a request signed on behalf of the Company in the same manner as are the Company’s cheques

F A Garrett Chairman
Geo.J. Bird Secretary

The above application to the Bank was signed by all the Directors who jointly and severally guaranteed the repayment of the Loan up to £7000 (seven thousand pounds)

At a Meeting of Directors held at 15 Dorset Street E C on August 12 1920

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr A Eames
                  Mr G J Bird Secretary

The Seal of the Company was affixed to a transfer of 250 shares in Sutley & Silverlock Ltd which have been sold for £250 (two hundred & fifty pounds)

At the fourteenth Ordinary General Meeting held at 15 Dorset Street E.C. on Monday August 30th 1920 at 2.30 p.m. Mr Garrett in the Chair

The Secretary read the notice convening the meeting.

Mr Garrett read the Auditors Report and Accounts.

Proposed by Mr Garrett that the accounts be passed. Seconded by Mr A Tanner

Mr Eames proposed that a dividend of 5/- (five shillings) per share free of Income Tax on the Ordinary Shares be paid. This was seconded by Mr A Tanner and agreed to by the Meeting.

Mr Garrett proposed that the dividend on the Second Preference Shares should be 5% instead of 4% for the past year. This was seconded by Mr H S Pearsall and carried.

Mr Garrett proposed that the Directors fees remain the same as last year with the exception of Mr Eames who should have an additional £250 for the ensuing year (1920-1921). This was seconded by Mr A Tanner and agreed to unanimously.

The Chairman pointed out to the meeting the great difference between the gross profits made in the year ending 31st March 1920 and the previous year, but although the gross profits were so much larger the expenses had increased to such an extent, especially the Salaries and Wages, that the net result although better than the previous year was only £2931 as against £1674 in the previous year.

It was proposed that the accounts as prepared by the Auditors be adopted. The Chairman put this to the meeting and it was carried unanimously.

Mr Eames proposed that Messrs Marreco & Co be reappointed Auditors for the ensuing year at a fee to be arranged between Mr Garrett and themselves. This was seconded by Mr F A Garrett and carried.

Mr Eames proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman

F Garrett

This was on folio 84 at the end of the page in 1918
At Meeting of Directors held at 15 Dorset Street, E.C. on Monday November 29th 1920 at 2.45 p.m

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr A Eames
                  Mr F A Garrett
                  Mr G J Bird Secretary

The New lease of 16 Dorset Street (see folio 95)

The new lease of 16 Dorset Street E C from Ward Lock & Co Ltd to R T Tanner & Co Ltd as prepared by their Solicitors and approved by our Solicitor Mr A G Dunn was considered and it was decided to accept this new lease for seven yeas from the 29th September 1919 at a rent of £750 per annum and that R T Tanner & Co Ltd are to insure the premises against fire for £12,000 (Twelve thousand pounds). The lease was approved and the Seal of the Company affixed thereto in the presence of the above three Directors and the Secretary

F Garrett

At a Meeting of Directors of R T Tanner & Co Ltd duly convened and held at 15 Dorset Street E .C on the seventh day of December 1920

Present:      Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
                  Mr A Eames
                  Mr F A Garrett
                  Mr A Tanner
                  Mr G J Bird Secretary

It was resolved that the National Provincial and Union Bank of England Ltd be and they are hereby requested and authorised to place to the Company’s account, by way of loan, such sums as the said Bank may be requested by the said Company from time to time but so that the total sum owing to the Bank does not exceed £15,000 (Fifteen thousand pounds) and it was further resolved that such sums should be advanced by the Bank on the written request of Mr F Garrett and Mr G J Bird and that any documents required by the Bank to be executed by the Company, might be executed by Mr F Garrett and Mr G J Bird.

A copy of this Resolution was sent to the Bank and the Seal of the Company affixed thereto.

F Garrett

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