RT Tanner & Co Ltd
Board minutes of 1924
At a Meeting of Directors held on the 12th March 1924
The question of the separate Banking account for the Leather Department was discussed. It was decided that the Bank Account at the Natl Provl & Union Bank
of England Ltd Chancery Lane W C should be “Tanner & Co” and that the signatures of cheques etc should be either of the following:
F Garrett, A Eames, F A Squire A Krolle
that two signatures shall be on each cheque one of which must be either F Garrett or A Eames, or both, and the other signature may be either F A Square, or A Krolle.
The necessary signatures with instructions were sent to the Bank
F Garrett 28 July 1924
A Meeting of Directors was held at 15 Dorset St E C at 11 am on July 28th 1924
Present: Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
Mr A Eames
Mr A Tanner
Mr G J Bird (secretary)
When it was decided that the Directors’ fees for the year ended 31st March 1924 should be:
Mr F Garrett £700 Mr A Eames £650 Mr A Tanner £550 Mr H S Pearsall £400
The accounts prepared by Messrs Marreco & Co for the year ending March 31st 1924 were gone into and examined and a Directors
Report to the Shareholders was prepared which it was decided to submit to the Shareholders at the Annual General Meeting.
F Garrett 7 August 1924
At the Eighteenth Annual General Meeting held at 15 Dorset Street E C on Thursday August 7th 1924 at 2.30 pm
Present: Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
Mr F A Garrett
Mr A Eames
Mr A Tanner
Mr G J Bird (secretary)
Mr Brandon (auditor)
The Secretary read the notice convening the meeting
The Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting were read, confirmed and signed
The Report of the Directors was then read by the Chairman, and was as follows:
The Directors have the pleasure to submit herewith the Accounts of the Company for the year ended 31 Mar 1924 duly certified by the
Company’s Auditors.
The Trade done during the year has been fairly well maintained and the accounts show a gross profit of £17,530 to which must be added
£625 received from Dividend and Rents. The Expenses of carrying on the business are still very heavy and amounted during the year
to £16,030 thus leaving a net profit of £2,123. Out of this has been paid a year’s dividend on the First, and Second Preference
Shares, and a third instalment has been set aside towards the redemption of the lease of 330 Liverpool Road, leaving a net balance
of £45.11.5 to be set off against the loss at the 31st March 1923. The Directors regret that they cannot recommend the payment of
a Dividend on the Ordinary Shares but it is satisfactory to find that the result of the Trading for the last year was an improvement
on the year ended 31st March 1923.
The Auditors Messrs Marreco, Houseman, & Brandon retire, and being eligible offer themselves for re-election.
Proposed by Mr F Garrett that Messrs Marreco & Co be appointed Auditors for the ensuing year and this was seconded by Mr A Eames.
It was proposed by Mr F Garrett that the accounts submitted be passed. This was seconded by Mr A Tanner and approved. Mr F A Garrett
proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman which was accorded by those present.