RT Tanner & Co Ltd
Board minutes of 1925
At a Meeting of Directors held at 15 Dorset St E C on Tuesday April 28th 1925
Present: Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
Mr F A Garrett
And the secretary
The Seal of the Company was affixed to an Authority by the Company for their Director Mr Frank Anthony Garrett to present a Petition
in Bankruptcy against Matthew Bearan of 125 Pall mall Was follows:
R T Tanner & Co Ltd whose registered Office is situate at Dorset Street, Salisbury Square in the City of London hereby authorise
their Director Frank Anthony Garrett of Dorset Street Salisbury Square aforesaid in the City of London to act for, present, or
sue out any petition in Bankruptcy for a Receiving Order in his own name or in our name against Matthew Bearan at 125 Pall Mall
in the County of London Auctioneer, and Estate Agent.
Dated this 28th day of April 1925
F Garrett 26 May 1925
At a Meeting of Directors held at 15 Dorset Street E C on 26 May 1925 at 11.30 am
Present: Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
Mr F A Garrett
Mr A Eames
The following Resolutions were passed:
- That the Company do borrow from the National Provincial Bank Ltd such sums as the Company may from time to time require
- That the Deeds of the Company’s Leasehold Property situate at Islington and known as No 330 Liverpool Road be deposited with the said Bank to secure all sums from time to time owing by the Company to the Bank
- That Frank Garrett and Arthur Eames two of the Directors of the company be and they are hereby authorised to sign for and on behalf of the Company a memorandum of deposit of the Deeds relating to No 330 Liverpool Road, Islington
F Garrett Chairman
A Eames Director
G J Bird Secretary
The Secretary was instructed to forward a copy of the above minute to the National Provincial Bank Ltd and the Seal of the Company
was affixed to the said copy,
The following communication was also sent to the National Provincial Bank Ltd
“Please place the sum of £5550 to the credit of the current account of R T Tanner & Co Ltd and debit the loan account as and when
Signed by Directors
Mr F Garrett
Mr A Eames
Also a letter as follows:
“Please debit the current account of R T Tanner & Co Ltd and credit the Loan A/c with the sum of £250 on the 1st of each month
commencing 1st July next
signed by
F Garrett
A Eames
also a further letter with regard to the Loan of £10,000 agreed to be made to R T Tanner & Co Ltd the Company’s borrowing powers have not
been and will not by such transaction be exceeded.
Signed Geo. J Bird Secretary May 26 1925
There is then a copy of the letter sent to the Bank depositing the deeds.
At a Meeting of Directors held at 15 Dorset Street E C on Thursday July 30th 1925 at 3 pm
Present: Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
Mr F A Garrett
Mr A Eames
Mr A Tanner
and the Secretary
The accounts as prepared by Messrs Marreco & Co were carefully analysed.
Unfortunately the net result showed a very small profit to be carried forward after the payment of the Dividends on the 1st and
2nd Preference Shares viz: £31.3.6 and this was only arrived at by the Managing Director agreeing to give up £500 of his Director’s
fees, and also not to take any interest on the amount standing to the credit of his account, which should have been £334.
The Directors Fees arranged for the year and as approved by them are:
Mr F Garrett £700 Mr A Eames £850 Mr A Tanner £600 and the amount to be sent to Mr Pearsall who has been away from
business so long £400.
The other Directors thanked Mr Garrett for so generously foregoing the above mentioned amounts and it was understood that when the
state of business warranted it these sums should be made up to him.
The accounts as prepared were passed by the Directors, and it was decided to hold the Annual General Meeting on Thursday August 6th.
It was decided by the Directors that in view of the small balance of profit and the fact that the value of the machinery and fixtures
stand at so low an amount in comparison with the real value that no amount should be written off this year for depreciation
A Eames A Tanner F A Garrett
The Nineteenth Annual General Meeting was held at 15 Dorset Street EC on Thursday August 6th 1925 at 2.30 pm
Present: Mr F Garrett (in the Chair)
Mr F A Garrett
Mr A Eames
Mr A Tanner
Mr L Houseman (auditor)
and the Secretary
The Secretary read the notice convening the meeting
Also the Auditors report
The Directors report was read
The accounts having been previously considered were taken as read and were adopted.
Resolved that the payment of the Dividends made on the 1st and 2nd Preference Shares be confirmed.
Proposed by Mr F Garrett that the accounts as prepared and submitted by the Auditors be passed. This was seconded by Mr A Eames
and agreed to.
It was pointed out by the Auditor that the Preference Shares Dividends can only be paid through the generous action of Mr F Garrett
in foregoing five hundred pounds of his Directors fees and also the sum of three hundred and thirty four pounds of interest due to
him on the amount standing to the credit of his account.
Proposed by Mr Frank Garrett that Messrs Marreco Houseman & Brandon be re-elected Auditors for the ensuing year. This was seconded by
Mr F A Garrett and Mr Houseman returned thanks.
At a Meeting of Directors held at 15 Dorset St E C on Friday Nov 20 1925 at 3 p.m
Present: Mr A Tanner
Mr F A Garrett
Mr A Eames
and the Secretary
The Secretary read a letter from Mr W Merritt, Solicitor to the Executrix of the late Mr H S Pearsall offering for sale the 400
Ordinary Shares held by the deceased numbered 399 and 60605 to 61003 and the one hundred 1st Preference Shares numbered 7561 to
7580 and 8121 to 8200.
It was proposed by Mr Garrett and seconded by Mr Tanner that the 400 Ordinary Shares should be bought by and transferred to Mr A Eames
at the value price of five shillings per share.
As there was no offer forthcoming for the 100 1st Pref. Shares the Secretary was instructed to write to Mr W Merritt intimating that
the 400 Ordinary Shares would be purchased by Mr Eames and request Mr Merritt to prepare and complete the necessary transfer form.
Also to say that the offer of the 1st Pref. Shares would be reconsidered at some future date.
A Eames F A Garrett 11/12/25
At a Meeting of Directors held at 15 Dorset Street E C on the tenth day of December 1925 at 11 a.m.
Present: Mr A Tanner
Mr F A Garrett
Mr A Eames
and the Secretary
The following Resolutions were passed:
- That the company give to the National Provincial Bank Ltd a guarantee for £250 (two hundred and fifty pounds) in consideration of the said Bank making advances from time to time to R J Skinner Ltd and
- That Mr Arthur Eames and Mr Arthur Tanner two of the Directors of the Company be and they are hereby authorised to sign for and on behalf of the Company the Bank’s usual form of Guarantee
In the absence of Mr Frank Garrett it was proposed by Mr F A Garrett and seconded by Mr A Tanner that Mr A Eames should take the
chair. The above mentioned agreement was then submitted and signed by Mr A Eames and Mr A Tanner.
The Share Certificate No 34 for Four Hundred Ordinary Shares transferred by the Executrix of the late Mr H S Pearsall having been prepared was submitted for signature
which was done and the Seal of the Company affixed thereto
A Eames 23/12/25
At a Meeting of the Directors held at 15 Dorset Street, E C on Wednesday Dec 23 1925 at 2.30 p.m.
Present: Mr A Tanner
Mr F A Garrett
Mr A Eames
and the Secretary
Sympathetic reference was made to the late Chairman and Managing Director Mr Frank Garrett who died on Tuesday 22nd Dec 1925, and a message of deepest sympathy was
forwarded to Mrs Garrett.
It was proposed by Mr A Tanner, and seconded by Mr F A Garrett that with the approval of the other Directors of the Adhesive Dry
Mounting Company Limited Mr A Eames should take the place of the late Mr Garrett as a Director of that Company to represent
the interest of R T Tanner & Co Ltd therein.
A Eames 2/2/26